
Permanent Exhibitions

The permanent exhibitions in the museum depict the literary representation of the South African landscape from early colonial times to the present day. Displays of original manuscripts, rare books, authors’ notebooks and letters are complemented by audio and video components and interactive touch screens.

Amazwi displays permanent exhibition at its head quarters and its two satellite, the Schreiner House and the Eastern Star. Visit the museum and its satellites to experience South African literary heritage by literary legends such as Olive Schreiner, Sol Plaatje, SEK Mqhayi, Can Themba to diverse award winning and contemporary writers.

Pencil Exhibition

Voices of The Land

The exhibition tells the story of South Africa through the lens of the country’s literature, from the earliest writing of the colonial period. 

Digital Exhibitions

Temporary Exhibitions

Sindiwe Magona: A Conscience for the Nation

The exhibition was produced in 2023 to celebrate the octogenary of the birth of this beloved storyteller and writer.